How To Create High Value Backlinks

Building Backlinks That Work for SEO

For all of Google changes to their ranking algorithms, there is one constant that will help or harm your Google traffic flows….. backlinks.

Backlinks are links from other sites, pointing to pages of your site.

Each backlink passes two important signals to the page that it links to; trust/authority & relevance.

Trust and Authority

Trust and authority are vital to your future rankings, so you need links that carry good authority. Each site passes 60% of its ‘trust score’ to your page, and it is this score that will boost your position in Google SERPs.

Trust scores are measured on sites like and with a score from 0 to 100. There are very few sites around with a score over 60/100 and it’s much more normal to have a score between 10 – 40. Learn how to increase your Trust Score with


Relevance comes in two forms, firstly there is the relevance of the content that links to you. You should seek links from relevant content to related content on your site.

The second part of relevance that you can’t ignore is the link category relevance of the site that links to you. Link category is not well known, but is another vital component of your SEO.

SEO ServicesEvery site is given a link category, based on the link categories of the dominant links pointing at your site. You in turn pass that link category on to sites that you link to.

If you analyse the backlinks pointing at sites that rank well for a keyword you want to rank for then you will se a pattern of dominant link categories for your niche or business sector. Sort your backlink strategy with backlinks from OWL One Way Links.

You need to cultivate links from sites that will pass this relevant link category to you. If you need help, ask Deeho for a full website audit and find out how much authority and trust your backlink profile already has.

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